Improvisation in the Production Practice of the Carnival Parade


Publication date: 02/02/2016

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Summary: This study presents possible intersections between theory and practice, as Theodore Schatzki approach and organizational improvisation, the latter being related to not predicted in advance, not premeditated, usually understood in terms of fortuitous events, often in times of crisis. For this, it was proposed as an object of analysis the practice of production Carnival parade of samba school context in which improvisation phenomenon appears quite evident. In this sense, the objective of this research was to investigate the impromptu demonstrations in the production carnival parade of a samba school. To achieve the objectives of this research were conducted research through documents, interviews and observations focused on the conduct of activities that make up the production of a carnival parade Grêmio Recreativo States Samba School Jucutuquara of Vitória (ES). I could describe the production of the carnival parade this college during the 2014/2015 cycle, focusing on practices and seeking to understand how improvisation appears. I highlighted the fantasies of production spaces (light shed) and production of allegories (heavy shed). I analyzed as improvisation is manifested in the practice of show production, seeking to articulate three conceptual elements of improvisation (minimal structures, making sense and bricolage) with the conceptual elements of the practice governance structure (rules, understandings and teleoafetiva structure) proposed by Theodore Schatzki. I conclude that the processes that make up the practice, including improvisation and bricolage, do not belong to individuals, but the practice itself, a finding that strengthens the principle of symmetry in the leadership of the shares. Furthermore, it could be understood that the practice intelligibility not necessarily coincide with the normative; this understanding is widespread in the organization could benefit from better understanding of the role of errors in the organizational context, favoring the imperfection of aesthetics in organizing. I conclude yet that social life samba school takes place within a certain ontology site that supports the meanings of things, people, events, situations, experiences, understandings, goals, emotions and all other elements that can be used in DIY and correct / acceptable form of these features will be (re-) combined, although this correct / acceptable form can always be relaxed by practicing intelligibility, or otherwise, because the structure that organizes the practice of the production of carnival parade is minimal.

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